"In this twentieth century, to stop rushing around, to sit quietly on the grass, to switch off the world and come back to the earth, to allow the eye to see a willow, a bush, a cloud, a leaf, is an unforgettable experience...” Frederick Franck. The Zen of Seeing
For further details and registration on short classes and workshops (from 3 hours to series of two to six 3-hour sessions) go to Wet Paint: Events & Classes. Search "Monica". The current classes should magically appear. Or call them at 651.698.6431.
Many of these classes meet via Zoom.
Some meet in person. |
No experience necessary!
Getting Your Feet Wet: Watercolor for the Non-Artist via Zoom Monday + Wednesday, Nov 7 + 9, 6:30-8:30pm central time No experience necessary! Are you a reluctant creative but desire to learn about watercolor painting? Instead of taking a deep dive, try dipping your toes into Watercolor Painting first. Have some fun, learn very basic skills and find out if this is a painting medium for you. |
Getting Your Feet Wet: Drawing for the Non-Artist via Zoom Monday + Wednesday, Nov 28 + 30, 6:30-8:30pm central time No experience necessary! Are you a reluctant creative but desire to learn about basic drawing tools and methods? Perhaps you’ve always wondered why there are so many types of pencils and what the differences are. If you’ve longed to try drawing but didn’t know where to start, this class is a chance for you to dip your toes in. In this workshop, you’ll learn about and experience ways of using some essential tools for drawing: including graphite drawing pencils, charcoal sticks, sketch pens and kneadable erasers. We’ll de-mystify drawing as we play with line, value (darks and lights) and simple texture in each medium, and find simple shapes within objects. We’ll discuss paper properties, and just for fun, try some white marks on toned paper. |
No experience necessary!
Appropriate for ALL levels.
Q&A re: Destination Learning Opportunities Date & Time TBD Whether mildly curious or more, you might be interested in a FREE 1-1 ½ hour zoom session with Monica Fogg for Q&A about her current and up-coming Destination Learning programs. Aiming to enhance creative investigation, Monica has developed Destination Learning Opportunities. These art travels enable one to explore in an inspiring setting. For some, these workshops may simply be an oasis in the middle of a busy life or a chance to unwind and re-direct. For others, it will be a chance to waken dormant skills. We hope that it will be the impetus for ideas that continue to develop long after the event is over. |